by DharamCW | Mar 27, 2020 | How many PgMP | How many PfMP
True that the coronavirus has impacted the global population on a large scale with many losses happening across business lines. Governments and People are showing resilience to the challenge that nature has thrown upon us. Humanity has bounced back from far great miseries in its history, and I am sure we will overcome this too in the coming weeks.
Once again, history repeats itself: the recent outbreak of coronavirus has caused a significant impact on the big corporate powerhouses and the daily life of ordinary citizens. Humanity has bounced back from far great miseries in its history, and I am sure we will overcome this too in the coming weeks. The plans made by the government and resilience shown by the citizens instill courage for a better future.
Meanwhile, amidst all this duress, Mother Nature is as such that it will continue to do its work of surprising us in its way. Some professionals are also similar to Mother Nature in that manner. Aspirants of PfMP® have amazed me with their large numbers and success over the past three months. In this period between Dec 23, 2019, to Mar 16, 2020, a total of 32 professionals have successfully cleared their PfMP® certification exams. Congratulations to all the 32 professionals.

Welcoming 32 New PfMP®s

Welcoming 32 New PfMP®s

Global PfMP® Stats
This number is a great achievement, considering the times we are in. Of the 32 professionals who have passed the exam in this period, I am delighted to announce that two of them have taken the assistance of vCare Project Management to support their certification journey. Special thanks to Yemi Adeniji (Group Mentoring Program) and Rakesh Khosla (Application Support) for trusting my guidance.

PfMP® Success Stories

PfMP® Success Stories
PfMP® Stats

Global PfMP® Stats
- The USA continues to maintain its top position with 322 PfMP®’s
- India is fast catching up on Canada and is threatening its second position with just only one count separating them

Latest PfMP® Stats
- The African continent has 17 PfMP®’s thus far of which South Africa and Nigeria hold 5 and 4 PfMP®’s respectively
- Saudi has a total of 59 PfMP®s now, where 8 PfMP®s have been benefitted from our guidance which is 14% of the total global PfMP®s in Saudi Arabia.
vCare Project Management is the most trusted training provider with a 100% success rate in PfMP® certification. It helps you to gain the skills and knowledge required to pass your PfMP® certification in the first attempt with an above-target score.
PfMP® Success Story Free Webinar with Yemi Adeniji – Earn 1 PDU
As I revealed in my earlier article, I am keeping myself occupied with a lot of online/virtual training programs of PgMP® and PfMP® over the past few weeks, along with making multiple video sessions with Project management experts and documenting of certification success stories. Just last week, I had completed a session with Ahmad Hassan, from the USA on his recent PgMP® success. To watch that webinar, click here.
With immense pleasure, Yemi Adeniji has agreed to share his PfMP® success story with us. I invite everyone to attend this free webinar on Apr 05, 2020.
Webinar Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM (PST) / 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM (BST) / 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM (WAT) / 11:00 PM – 12:00 AM (AST)

PfMP® Success Stories
In this webinar, Yemi will share his insights on,
- Essentials that one needs to cover for PfMP® preparation. His Eligibility check, the Application process, hurdles encountered, and essential tips that enabled him to pass the exam in the first attempt.
- What was his motivation to pursue PMP®-PgMP®-PfMP®? Why should one pursue all the three as you have done so?
- How would this PfMP® aid him in his work right now? How had PMP® and PgMP® had helped him in the past?
- What is the value that PMI certifications such as PMP®, PgMP® and PfMP® hold in the professional space in Africa, especially in Nigeria?
- How his certifications benefit his work in the Government sector?
- How his certifications have benefitted his work in Transportation domain?
- Other challenges in Industry
- His advice to PgMP® and PfMP® aspirants
Aspirants can learn from Yemi’s experience and insights to not only sharpen their certification preparations but also to fine-tune their career plans. I will also share my tips to prepare and pass the PgMP® exam in your first attempt. You can watch this free webinar at your comfort and gain 1 PDU as an added benefit.
You can join this webinar by registering using the below Link,
Webinar Link :
Because of the hardships that the companies and professionals are going through currently, I have decided to offer multiple discounts and flexible payment options to these programs. Stated offers will be decided on a case by case basis and to know your eligibility, reach out to me in a personal message or kindly mail to [email protected]. Please share this information with your friends who would find it useful.
- 3 Days Virtual Program (Standard 9 AM – 5 PM) with a couple of breaks in between
- 5 Days Virtual Program (5*4 hours/session) Half a Day programs
- 4 Weeks – 12 Weeks Weekend only Virtual Program (1 – 4 hours per day, either Saturday or Sunday or Both)

Virtual Bootcamps
Following are the program links,
PgMP®, 4-8 April 2020 –
PfMP®, 16-20 April 2020 –
PgMP®, 20 – 22 April 2020 –
PgMP®, 1-3 May 2020 –
PfMP®, 8-10 May 2020 –
PgMP®, 10-14 May 2020 –
Prince2® starting from March 29, 2020 (10 Weeks Weekend Program) –
PMP® starting from March 29, 2020 (12 Weeks Weekend Program) –
View all our Online Self E-Learning Programs:
You can supplement your PgMP® exam preparation using our PgMP4U mobile app.

If Newton can create wonders working from home, then you can too,
PgMP4U LinkedIn Group:
PfMP4U LinkedIn Group:
Subscribe and follow my Podcasts on
For any questions related to Project Management training and certifications, you can book an obligation free 15 minutes session with me by visiting
For the latest PgMP® stats, visit
“Working together for success.”
by DharamCW | Mar 17, 2020 | General
The Coronavirus has gripped countries across the globe and employers are now changing their plans and policies as they prioritize employees’ safety first. The primary concern of the governments, organizations, have been aggressively trying to stop or limit the spread of the virus. However, life cannot be a standstill. With necessary precautions in place, we must carry on with both our personal and professional life. Governments in your respective countries are on top of things and are undertaking comprehensive precautionary measures to reduce the risk of transmission. The scientific world is still not able to find a vaccine that could immune individuals from the virus.
Employees and Employers are both anxious and concerned. Currently, employers are providing compulsory leaves, encouraging employees to work remotely and decentralizing the workforce as and where possible to avoid large teams to operate from one single location. In-person meetings have been converted to virtual meetings, and employees have been suggested to use video conferencing to attend their meetings. International conglomerates such as JPMorgan Chase, Apple, Kraft Heinz, HSBC Holdings, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Ford Motors, LG Electronics and Hershey Co have all barred their employee travels to affected regions. Also, many corporate events, meetings, conferences and shows have been postponed indefinitely. Specifically, employees returning from areas of widespread, have been mandated to take 14-28 days of paid leave. BCP’s in place for tackling contagious disease has been triggered to ensure operations are not affected.

Measures To Be Taken
Personally, my company vCare Project Management has been affected by this, with many of our confirmed training programs both corporate and classroom, planned in locations worldwide such as Sydney, Melbourne, Singapore, Riyadh, Al-Khobar, Seattle, San-Francisco have been rescheduled or postponed indefinitely. This was a big disappointment for me on both personal and professional lines. Professionally, our commitment to students who wanted to undertake the programs in person got affected. Our plans with regards to their preparation, application process, individual learning curves, training delivery etc. need to be altered now to meet the new timelines. Also, my objective and target for 2020 to support a minimum of 100 PgMP’s and 30 PfMP’s to their success are now under jeopardy.
With these thoughts on my mind, I was skimming through my LinkedIn feed yesterday where I was suggested an article that has been published in the Washington Post. It detailed how Sir Isaac Newton survived the great plague of London in 1665 via social distancing and while doing so, how he was also able to emerge more successful in his career as a scientist. While he retreated to his abode and spent a couple of years there because of the plague outbreak, he was able to generate many hypotheses including his early works on calculus, the theory of optics and the most famous attribution to him till date, the ‘theories of gravity and motion’. This period in his life could be classified as ‘annus mirabilis’, meaning “year of wonders”.
Reading this was a huge source of inspiration to me, and this has made me take to resolve. Taking a leaf out of Newton’s life, we all too could do wonders in the coming months by emerging more robust than before.
Professionals who were long postponing their plans to prepare for your certification journeys due to travel or time issues or availability concerns etc. can now benefit from this situation. Companies whose business operations today stand disrupted due to the present situation and whose workforce or nature of work cant be supported through remote work too can now benefit from this situation.
Not sure how long we have to wait for the corona virus-related restrictions to be lifted off. But vCare Project Management and its trainers are brazen to take up this challenge to support aspirants and organizations in these tough times. With their higher availability now, many aspirants have already reached out to me to capitalize on the current context for completing their certification journeys. So we are organizing multiple virtual training programs to cater to them.
One of my corporate program for Telstra in Melbourne too was put on hold due to the virus outbreak. With the acceptance of the company and the candidates, I converted it into an online virtual program, and the classes have been completed successfully. I have received great feedback from the participants and the company for accommodating according to their requirement. Now, this program has helped me to provide them with even more value and implies that companies too can make use of this option where they can authorize or approve for long-standing training programs to their workforce. Get your staff trained now so that when the tough times pass, they are encouraged to combat your business challenges later.
We are planning to conduct three different types of virtual online boot camps addressing multiple time zones worldwide. Also, this could be a great chance to study with a very diverse group of individuals.

Virtual Bootcamps
Because of the hardships that the companies and professionals are going through currently, I have decided to offer multiple discounts and flexible payment options to these programs. Stated offers will be decided on a case by case basis and to know your eligibility, reach out to me in a personal message or kindly mail to [email protected]. Please share this information with your friends who would find it useful.
- 3 Days Virtual Program (Standard 9 AM – 5 PM) with a couple of breaks in between
- 5 Days Virtual Program (5*4 hours / session) Half a Day programs
- 4 Weeks – 12 Weeks Weekend only Virtual Program (1 – 4 hours per day, either Saturday or Sunday or Both)

Online Bootcamps Calendar
Following are the program links,
PgMP® , 4-8 April 2020 –
PfMP® , 16-20 April 2020 –
PgMP® , 20 – 22 April 2020 –
PgMP® , 1-3 May 2020 –
PfMP® , 8-10 May 2020 –
PgMP® , 10-14 May 2020 –
Prince2® starting from March 29, 2020 (10 Weeks Weekend Program) –
PMP® starting from March 29, 2020 (12 Weeks Weekend Program) –
Leading SAFe 5.0® starting from March 29, 2020 (4 Weeks Weekend Program) –
View all our Online Self E-Learning Programs :
I encourage you all to utilize this lean period that has been imposed by nature on us. Other than the programs planned above, I am going to make use of this time by creating more podcasts with project management experts in the coming days on various topics surrounding Project-Program-Portfolio Management. These discussions will provide critical insights on multiple titles. Please find below my latest interaction with Vincenzo Arnone on “How Program Management can act as a distinguishing factor.”
You can gain access to these discussions and many more scheduled to happen in the coming days by subscribing to my YouTube channel by visiting Apart from gaining knowledge, one can also post their queries in the comments section below with the hashtag #AskDharam. Selective questions will be clarified on the following videos whenever we find the time.
Also I am planning to document many success stories of my previous students through webinar sessions which would help motivate current and future aspirants in their pursuit of certification and career success. One such event planned on March 22, 2020, is that of Ahmad Hassan, from the USA, who completed his PgMP on March 09, 2020. You can register for the webinar event by signing up using this link,
PgMP4U is an online mobile application that helps one to prepare for the PgMP® exam ‘On the Go’. The app gives the essential support required for cracking the PgMP® exam.

Prepare for PgMP® | ‘On the Go’
Our telegram group will assist aspirants in preparing for the PgMP® exam. It is a very active group with vibrant discussions happening daily. Individuals can get inspired more through the analysis and brainstorming happening in the group. If interested, kindly message me to add you in the group.
For any questions related to Project Management training and certifications, you can book an obligation free 15 minutes session with me by visiting
PgMP4U LinkedIn Group:
PfMP4U LinkedIn Group:
Email: [email protected]
Link to the Washington Post Article:
by DharamCW | Mar 5, 2020 | How many PgMP | How many PfMP
PgMP® Certification
The PgMP® certification is uplifting professionals to experience new verticals with their career opportunities. This elite professional certification is crossing borders and reaching new heights. The importance of pursuing PgMP® is now widely evident from the increasing rate of adoption.
As on March 1, 2020, the global PgMP® count has reached 3176. In that, vCare Project Management has contributed to the success of 273 PgMP®s across forty countries. This number is 9% of the total global PgMP®s.

Global PgMP® Stats
February 2020 has produced 19 new professionals to the PgMP® community and amongst that vCare Project Management has contributed to the success of 4 of them. This count constitutes 21% of the total PgMP®s of February 2020. Kudos and best wishes to all the 19 new PgMP®s.

Welcoming 19 New PgMP®s
PgMP® Fact File
- The USA is on the top of the list with 1257 PgMP®s. Five new PgMP®s were added in February 2020. The USA continues to maintain its leadership in PgMP professionals with 40% of the total global PgMP®s
- India, Canada, and UAE have each added three new PgMP®s to their count (India – 353, Canada – 219 and UAE – 81)

PgMP® stats latest trends
- Australia is just 9 PgMP®s away from reaching 100. My upcoming scheduled PgMP® boot camps in June 2020 at Melbourne and Sydney should facilitate those aspiring professionals who wish to make it to the list within the top 100 PgMP® professionals in the Country.
- By supporting Edward Githure from Kenya on his PgMP® journey, I have now successfully mentored PgMP® professionals across 40 different countries with my direct classroom programs or my online mentoring programs. Special thanks to Edward for helping me achieve this feat.

vCare Project Management PgMP® Stats

Our PgMP® Success Stories | February 2020
My first direct PgMP® and PfMP® boot camps in Saudi Arabia were highly successful. This success and also based on multiple requests from aspirants in Saudi has made me schedule new direct training programs in Riyadh ( & and Al- Khobar ( for March 2020. Hoping to see more successful PgMP®s and PfMP®s from Saudi Arabia by the end of 2020 that have been aided by vCare’s guidance.
I firmly believe that “Knowledge shared is Knowledge squared” and this case applies to the increasing propagation of PgMP® certification. Many Local Chapters, Partners and Project Management Experts are collaborating with me for conducting PgMP® boot camps across different parts of the world.
With a focus on my upcoming programs scheduled to happen at Germany and Italy, the expert individuals supporting these programs have also taken time to discuss on different topics surrounding project, program and portfolio management through podcasts. These discussions will significantly benefit the community as a whole in which critical insights on various titles are delivered. Please find below my latest interaction with Thomas Walenta on “Top 10 tips to become a Pro Program Manager”
Heartfelt thanks to Thomas Walenta and Vincenzo Arnone for their time and contribution. You can gain access to these discussions and many more scheduled to happen in the coming days by subscribing to my YouTube channel by visiting Apart from gaining knowledge, one can also post their queries in the comments section below with the hashtag #AskDharam. Selective questions will be clarified on the following videos whenever we find the time.
Early applicants for the upcoming PgMP® boot camps can avail special benefits and group discounts. Please share this information with your friends who would find it useful.

PgMP® Training Calendar, 2020
For more information on our upcoming direct PgMP® programs, visit
For people who are unable to join any of our direct classroom programs due to distance, safety or schedule concerns, kindly check out our online mentoring program options. Both Group Mentoring and Fast Track Personal Mentoring programs for PgMP® and PfMP® exam preparation are available
Program Management PgMP®- Online Mentoring Programs
Portfolio Management PfMP®- Online Mentoring Programs
PgMP4U is an online mobile application that helps one to prepare for the PgMP® exam ‘On The Go’. The app gives the essential support required for cracking the PgMP® exam.

Prepare for the PgMP® exam | ‘On The Go’
Our telegram group will assist aspirants in preparing for the PgMP® exam. It is a very active group with vibrant discussions happening daily. Individuals can get inspired more through the analysis and brainstorming happening in the group. If interested, kindly message me to add you in the group.
For any questions related to Project Management training and certifications, you can book an obligation free 15 minutes session with me by visiting
PgMP4U LinkedIn Group:
PfMP4U LinkedIn Group:
Email: [email protected]
“Working together for SUCCESS.”
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