by DharamCW | Mar 19, 2021 | How many PgMP | How many PfMP
Most project management professionals with a certain number of years of experience would like to move up their career ladder to senior positions that provide them with higher visibility, wider recognition, and a definite bump in their pay scale. They would aim to become a
- PMO Leader of their organization
- A Program Manager handling multiple connected projects
- A Portfolio Manager who drives the vision and mission of an organization through successful programs and projects
- An executive who is implementing a strategic initiative for the success of the organization
Some professionals might be looking to migrate from their current organization to a better/higher position in another organization and might be wondering what could be one of the keys that open that door to success.
Advanced Certifications might be the solution.

Move up the career ladder
Advanced Certifications
Advanced Certifications are for professionals,
- Who are established in their careers but want to climb up further
- Who want to increase their knowledge and improve professional ways of working
- Who are working in a role much more extensive than their current designation
- Who wants to prove a point to professionals in their space about their capabilities
- Who wants to prove a point to themselves for self-motivation and increase their self-worth
Advanced Certifications help you to,
- Change labels from being named an Experienced/Advanced professional to become an Expert/Master of the art.
- Change levels to elevate yourself to higher levels in the organizational hierarchy. Earn the birds-eye view.
- From “Doing the work right”, move to a phase where you start “Doing the right work” to ensure your organization’s mission and vision are accomplished through your actions. Go from Tactical to Strategic.
- It opens doors that were earlier closed in your career and creates new doors for you to venture. Gain global recognition. SKIP THE QUEUE IN PROFESSIONAL EVALUATIONS.
- Stand out from the crowd, Be that Differentiator.When all is Equal, the certified gets hired.
- Eliminate career shocks such as layoffs and retrenchments.

Advanced Certifications
Why PgMP® & PfMP®?
The PgMP® certification recognizes advanced experience, skill, and performance in overseeing multiple related projects and their resources aligned with an organizational objective. PgMP® certification holders oversee a program’s success — a way to group multiple related projects to achieve benefits that may not be realized if the projects were managed in a stand-alone fashion.
The PfMP® certification recognizes advanced experience, skill, and performance necessary to manage and align a portfolio of projects and programs to realize organizational strategy and objectives. PfMP® certification holders oversee one or more portfolios’ success, balance conflicting demands between programs and projects, and allocate resources based on corporate priorities and capacity. As portfolio management continues to grow and organizations adopt it to achieve strategic objectives, it becomes more critical to have individuals competent in this practice area. As employers demand portfolio managers who can support the organization’s strategic goals, PfMP® certification holders will gain a distinct advantage in employment and promotional opportunities over their peers.

Why PgMP® & PfMP®
Both PgMP® & PfMP® from PMI could help you achieve the possible elevation within your organization or get you the golden ticket to join your targeted organization. Compared with the PMP, which is more than a million globally, the numbers for PgMP® and PfMP® are still in the four digits, with PfMP® crossing the 4-digit mark just a few months ago.
The Numbers – What do they say?
Irrespective of the Pandemic concerns, professionals have been pursuing their PgMP® & PfMP® goals aided by the online/remote learning program options. PgMP® has crossed the 3500 number barrier, and as on 1st March 2021, it is now at 3543. PfMP® has crossed the 1000 number milestone, and as on 1st March 2021, it is now at 1035.

Global PgMP® Stats 2021

Global PfMP® Stats 2021
USA, China, India, Canada, and KSA contribute to the top 5 numbers in PgMP® and PfMP® numbers.

Top 5 PgMP® Countries

Top Five PfMP® Countries
A unique aspect in PfMP® numbers is the surge of certification holders from KSA, which has overtaken India to become the second country with the maximum number of PfMP® holders after the USA. With our training partnership with the PMI-KSA chapter, I wish the numbers of not only PfMP® but also that of PgMP® surge ahead. Students from KSA and the PMI-KSA chapter can reach out to me to avail offer associated with our partnership.
vCare Project Management is proud to have supported the following students in February 2021 in their successful pursuit of certification. This 2021, we have been producing excellent results with 10 PgMP®s and 6 PfMP®s achieving success in their certification goals aided by our training services thus far.

PfMP® & PgMP®s Success Stories | Feb’21
In the year 2020, we supported 48 PgMP®s and 16 PfMP®s in achieving success. As on 1st March 2021, we have thus far aided 322 PgMP®s of the 3543 PgMP® professionals and 58 PfMP®s of the 1035 PfMP® professionals. We have supported 322 students across 44 countries in their successful PgMP® journey.

vCare Project Management PgMP® Stats
Because of the hardships that the companies and professionals are going through currently, I have decided to offer multiple discounts and flexible payment options to our upcoming mentoring and boot camp programs in 2021. These include,
- A 20% discount for Active Duty or Veteran professionals from Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Border, and Coast guards or any other valid military service branch
- A 20% discount for Women professionals
- A 20% discount for Differently abled professionals
- A 20% discount for professionals who are currently in dire financial constraints
Please email ([email protected]) or reach out to me on LinkedIn to avail of this discount post appropriate scrutiny.
Given below are the various online programs’ links. The online mentoring programs / virtual boot camps cover all time zones.
SAFe® / Disciplined Agile:
Subscribe to vCare Project Management YouTube Channel to view our success stories:
We are planning to do more webinars in the coming weeks. Subscribe and follow my Podcasts and interviews with Project Management Experts on YouTube at
Aspirants aiming to get the PgMP® / PfMP® / SAFe® / PMP® / Disciplined Agile Credentials in 2021 can book an obligation free session with me to find out how I can assist you in passing the exam in your very first attempt. For any questions related to Project Management career, training, and certifications, you can book an obligation free 15 minutes session with me by visiting
PgMP4U LinkedIn Group:
PfMP4U LinkedIn Group:
Going by the numbers and the process involved in gaining the PgMP® / PfMP® certifications, it isn’t that easy for everyone to climb this mountain. These certifications are elusive by nature, and only with a determined focus, dedication, and brilliance coupled with hard work can one be able to achieve success.
I believe that this makes these certifications elite when compared with other senior project management certification offerings. This aspect alone could be the differentiator that highlights you from your peers in the project management community, helping you achieve your objectives.
by DharamCW | Sep 19, 2020 | General
The term “Comfort Zone” has been put to use in professional citations since the 1991 work “Danger in the comfort zone”. It became widely popular after the paper “From Comfort Zone to Performance Management” by Alasdair White in 2008. “Comfort zone” is to be understood as a behavioral state from which an individual operates or works or carries on his way of life. Comfort zone is almost unique to everyone, and it may or may not be equivalent to another individual.
In our life, we do come out of our comfort zones many times, though we rarely recognize it. Your first day at school, moving from school to college, college to your first job, making your next big career move, etc. could be stated as examples.

Comfort Zone
At these points in time, we would have experienced a lot of pressure to adapt, expand our skills and continue to learn and evolve. Our inner ego would have pushed us to get out of being labelled as incompetent, inauthentic or an imposter and succeed in the new role assigned to us by time.
It’s also critical to understand first the opportunities this journey out of your comfort zone would reward you. Here we discuss some ways using which we can navigate ourselves out of our comfort zones to achieve success.
Indicators of you being in a comfort zone
Let’s take a case where you have been working as a manager in a reputed organization, handling specific operations, and you are awesome at what you do. If you have specific career goals, and you have identified your destination, you need to understand whether you are currently in a comfort zone first.
Some indicators could be,
- You are doing your job with ease and make consistent paychecks
- You don’t have anybody to benchmark within the organization or the industry forum
- You are pretty much self-sustained, and you don’t see yourself any scope for further growth

Being in a comfort zone
Comfort zone Assessment Questions
Here are some questions which can help you understand if you are already in the comfort zone.
- When was the last time you were very stressed in making some decisions at work?
- When did you last take up a new challenge?
- When did you do something creative and new?
- Are you happy with what you are doing?
- Are you sure that you are not lost nor out of control?
Why do we need to move out of the Comfort Zone?
When we are in the comfort zone, we don’t learn; we don’t evolve. Learning gets halted, and we fail to embrace new ideas and concepts. We stop experiencing newer things in life, and this might result in loss of acquiring critical behavior or skills. We naturally become the victim of behavior patterns which we are used to as the time spent on comfort zone becomes longer.

Why do we need to move out of the Comfort Zone?
Gone are the days where living in such a context is not a life challenging issue for an individual. Times have changed, and in today’s professional world, only those who embrace continuous learning and adaptability are better poised to succeed.
Understanding the Fear zone
For any individual contributor of a team, the moment you feel that you have the capability coupled with an excellent opportunity to be part of leadership or management, your journey out of your comfort zone has begun.
When you think about doing something new, you naturally get fear, or you feel terrified. When this thing happens, most of us cloak ourselves with any of these following excuses:
- Yeah, I’m doing what I know very well, and there is nothing wrong about it.
- Why do we need to change the status when everything is going fine today?
- Having a false impression that you have future proof skills because you are thriving today.
- I have maneuvered myself this far, why do I need to propel my limits further.

Understanding the Fear zone
When we are in the fear zone, we also tend to be affected by other opinions and get annoyed. Typically, in projects, some people can be identified in a peculiar way wherein they will not share any information due to insecurity or fear. They always worry about what is going to happen.
These are individuals who build a shell around themselves thinking what will others think If I ask this question, maybe people will laugh at me, ridicule me, etc. These are good signs indicating you are in the fear zone.
What is needed to come out of the fear zone?
- Courage
- Compassion
- Wisdom

Come out of the fear zone
Have the courage to understand and look situation like “You are not alone” in this. Look at the situations more positively. Consume information which is more reliable and that which will lead you the right direction. Trust yourself first, and also others around you. Get around with people who are your well-wishers and find them within the project organization. Discuss your fears openly with them take baby steps to come out of it. Believe that when you confront your fears, you will also be able to help others confront the fear and manage it better for the overall good of the organization. It might take longer than you think to come out of it, but it is alright. You will be able to maneuver out of the fear zone and move towards reaching your full potential by getting transformed at the Learning Zone.
Most individuals tend to get stuck in this zone or go back to their comfort zone. You must stay in the course of advancing into the subsequent zone. The journey is more rewarding than the end goal of getting beyond the growth zone. Now let’s look at the learning zone.
Learning Zone: Knowing vs Doing Gap

Learning Zone
You are managing a project in India; you have a multi-cultural and a multi-lingual environment. Such a context could position you to get out of the comfort zone to interact, manage these stakeholders.
You, an expert in process manufacturing, is assigned to work on a new project where you are dealing with discrete manufacturing. Here you will have the pressure of handling something new which you haven’t done before.
Given these kinds of situations, project managers tend to look at various resources in terms of books, YouTube videos, courses and prepare themselves. Yet, they will have the anxiety as there is a Knowing-Doing gap. In this case, the learning ought to get transformed as behavior.
Dr Andy Molinsky is a professor at Brandeis University’s International Business School and author of “Reach: A New Strategy to Help You Step Outside Your Comfort Zone, Rise to the Challenge and Build Confidence” recommends 3Cs for the same they are:
- Conviction
- Customization
- Clarity

Conviction is more towards understanding the deep sense of purpose which can come from the activities which can help your self-esteem or when you have the intent of helping or enabling others. For example, you have a challenge in your project to work on a Gantt Chart, which is essential to be presented to the management. You find that no one else in the team knows about it. Now you need to have the conviction to build it yourself first time as you want to enable the team to help them understand the project situation better. That intent helps you to get you the transformation required. This way, you have responded to the challenge, and also acquired a new skill in the process.
Customization is more of tweaking the solution in your way. Every project organization or PMOs could be different. What worked in your previous office might not work here, as people have cultural and behavior differences. You must customize the data, context, terminology, presentation to their needs by taking steps completely new compared to what you have done in the past. Being adaptive is the most beautiful thing people always admire.
Clarity serves the situation where it is very distorted and chaos. Especially in Project/Program/Portfolio management, where pressing priorities of activities create a nightmare for the managers and resources become contentious. Step away for a short while to take stock of the situation, put yourselves in other person shoes, Self-reflect upon the situation in the right context. Many times, reaching out to a coach or mentor would help in the situation.
Keep building your resilience by doing good things which you are not comfortable. Some simple examples could be Saying “Hello” to strangers, ordering food other than your routine. These acts could increase your will power and mental attitude. By doing these, you can make learning zone your comfort zone and start advancing into the growth zone. Consistently focusing on moving out of the comfort zone is the key.
Growth Zone
Instead of thinking “What if I’m not good enough?”, thinking more like “What if I’m good enough and moving towards success?” would help to be in the growth zone.
Instead of worrying and being stranded at the learning zone, identify the gap in terms of training, upskilling needs, mentoring, coaching needs that navigate towards your objectives. For example, if you are lacking in risk management or project management and need guidance, reach out to the right consultants or coaches or mentors who can help you succeed.
Eradicate the habitual negative thinking and internal fears. With the help of knowledge that you acquired in your learning zone; you should be able to manage things in the growth zone easily. Always ask “What’s the best, most productive action I can take to get the best possible outcome given the situation?”. Change your environment to be positive, have positivity anchors and use visualization techniques. By changing the internal representation of the problem, your ability to recover from that is increased manifold. As a project manager, there are a lot of dependencies and constraints you ought to manage; these dependencies and constraints need to be overcome to eliminate the fear of failure.

Growth Zone
Typically, negative experiences are what creates fear within. If you believe and value whatever you are doing, you will find a way. You will begin to see them as challenges as opposed to problems or obstacles. Make your goals SMART and start recording your smaller achievements in a book which you can use to track and repeatedly revisit to gain motivation. By eliminating needless fears and factors that hamper your progress, you can break out and live a life beyond limits!
PgMP® / PfMP® certifications
For most senior professionals in the project-program-portfolio management community, there has been no bigger phobia than the PgMP® / PfMP® certification exams. Over the past few years, an aura of unconquerability has been associated surrounding these certifications, but nothing can be far from the actual truth. With proper guidance supported by a well laid out action plan, followed by commitment and hard work, these certifications are achievable, and many of my students are witnesses to the fact. Let us look at the recent stats, concerning these two certifications to understand how exactly this community has managed to thrive irrespective of the current context.
Between 1st July 2020 and 1st Sept 2020, 60 professionals successfully attained their PgMP®, of which 12 are my students. Congratulations to all 60 of them for continuing to have the inner drive to succeed in these tough times.

Welcoming 60 New PgMP®s

Welcoming 60 New PgMP®s

Welcoming 60 New PgMP®s
Regarding PgMP®, as on 1st Sept 2020, vCare has contributed to the success of 289 global PgMP®s (out of 3,286) from 43 countries.

vCare Project Management PgMP® Stats

Global PgMP® Stats
Between 1st July 2020 and 1st Sept 2020, 27 professionals successfully attained their PfMP®, of which 2 are my students.

Welcoming 27 New PfMP®s

Welcoming 27 New PfMP®s
As on 1st Sept 2020, Global PfMP® count is 911, with 41 of them (5%) with a successful pass rate of 100% being aided by our services.

Global PfMP® Stats
Special thanks to the 14 students for entrusting me with their PgMP® / PfMP® certification journey.
1. Vikas Kumar 2. Gautam Bhatia 3. Jason Gardel 4. Faysal Ghauri
5. Tushar Rawal 6. Oleg Kazalov 7. Kalo Atanasov 8. Ranjit Oberai
9. Ambarish Gupta 10. Hemansh Rastogi 11. Vincy Li 12. Natalie Romanoff
13. Omair Mustafa 14. Hisham Sami Ghulam
Even as this pandemic crisis is still rolling out and impacting our economy and jobs, many professionals have elected to emerge out of their comfort zones and work towards pursuing their learning/certification goals. For us, as a leading training provider, the challenge was to customize and optimize our training delivery to meet the online learning requirements that time has thrust on us. What we saw as a challenge and a difficult mountain to climb initially, later turned out to be a smooth journey filled with more advantageous in terms of course delivery, benefiting both the trainers and students on many fronts. Whoever is taking advantage of this lean period to lunge forward are already starting to see benefits with their professional life.
My opinion is that 95% of people stay in their comfort zone. Around 3% people take steps to walk in the fear zone and stay there or come back to comfort zone. 1.5% people stay in the learning zone, and some of them come back to Fear Zone or even Comfort Zone. 0.49% people reach to the Growth Zone, some come back to the lower zones. Less than 0.01% of people go above or stretch beyond the Growth Zone and do wonders. They never return to the lower zone as they move with the escape velocity. Do come out of your comfort zone; the sky is your limit. For those already in the sky, space is your limit. Trust me; you will live a life beyond your dreams. Between, no one is born with skills and attitude, which will take you all the way. More you look inside it will assist you to look beyond the invisible boundaries.
For those of you in the project management space, who wish to get help in navigating out of your comfort zone and achieve PgMP® / PfMP® certifications, consider signing up for our online programs. We will guide you through all the facets of the PgMP® / PfMP® certification journey. Taking into consideration the hardships that companies and professionals are going through currently, we are offering multiple discounts and flexible payment options to these programs. These programs are conducted over customized timings across different time zones to cater to the requests of the students. Given below are the various online programs’ links. Kindly share this information with anyone who you believe might benefit from it.
For any questions related to Project Management career, training and certifications, you can book an obligation free 15 minutes session with me by visiting
PgMP4U is an online mobile application that helps one prepare for the PgMP® exam on the go. Our app gives the essential support required for cracking the PgMP® exam.

PgMP4U LinkedIn Group:
PfMP4U LinkedIn Group:
Subscribe to vCare Project Management YouTube Channel to view our PgMP® and PfMP® Success Stories:
Subscribe and follow my Podcasts and interviews with Project Management Experts on YouTube at
“Working together for success.”
by DharamCW | Mar 27, 2020 | How many PgMP | How many PfMP
True that the coronavirus has impacted the global population on a large scale with many losses happening across business lines. Governments and People are showing resilience to the challenge that nature has thrown upon us. Humanity has bounced back from far great miseries in its history, and I am sure we will overcome this too in the coming weeks.
Once again, history repeats itself: the recent outbreak of coronavirus has caused a significant impact on the big corporate powerhouses and the daily life of ordinary citizens. Humanity has bounced back from far great miseries in its history, and I am sure we will overcome this too in the coming weeks. The plans made by the government and resilience shown by the citizens instill courage for a better future.
Meanwhile, amidst all this duress, Mother Nature is as such that it will continue to do its work of surprising us in its way. Some professionals are also similar to Mother Nature in that manner. Aspirants of PfMP® have amazed me with their large numbers and success over the past three months. In this period between Dec 23, 2019, to Mar 16, 2020, a total of 32 professionals have successfully cleared their PfMP® certification exams. Congratulations to all the 32 professionals.

Welcoming 32 New PfMP®s

Welcoming 32 New PfMP®s

Global PfMP® Stats
This number is a great achievement, considering the times we are in. Of the 32 professionals who have passed the exam in this period, I am delighted to announce that two of them have taken the assistance of vCare Project Management to support their certification journey. Special thanks to Yemi Adeniji (Group Mentoring Program) and Rakesh Khosla (Application Support) for trusting my guidance.

PfMP® Success Stories

PfMP® Success Stories
PfMP® Stats

Global PfMP® Stats
- The USA continues to maintain its top position with 322 PfMP®’s
- India is fast catching up on Canada and is threatening its second position with just only one count separating them

Latest PfMP® Stats
- The African continent has 17 PfMP®’s thus far of which South Africa and Nigeria hold 5 and 4 PfMP®’s respectively
- Saudi has a total of 59 PfMP®s now, where 8 PfMP®s have been benefitted from our guidance which is 14% of the total global PfMP®s in Saudi Arabia.
vCare Project Management is the most trusted training provider with a 100% success rate in PfMP® certification. It helps you to gain the skills and knowledge required to pass your PfMP® certification in the first attempt with an above-target score.
PfMP® Success Story Free Webinar with Yemi Adeniji – Earn 1 PDU
As I revealed in my earlier article, I am keeping myself occupied with a lot of online/virtual training programs of PgMP® and PfMP® over the past few weeks, along with making multiple video sessions with Project management experts and documenting of certification success stories. Just last week, I had completed a session with Ahmad Hassan, from the USA on his recent PgMP® success. To watch that webinar, click here.
With immense pleasure, Yemi Adeniji has agreed to share his PfMP® success story with us. I invite everyone to attend this free webinar on Apr 05, 2020.
Webinar Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM (PST) / 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM (BST) / 9:00 PM – 10:00 PM (WAT) / 11:00 PM – 12:00 AM (AST)

PfMP® Success Stories
In this webinar, Yemi will share his insights on,
- Essentials that one needs to cover for PfMP® preparation. His Eligibility check, the Application process, hurdles encountered, and essential tips that enabled him to pass the exam in the first attempt.
- What was his motivation to pursue PMP®-PgMP®-PfMP®? Why should one pursue all the three as you have done so?
- How would this PfMP® aid him in his work right now? How had PMP® and PgMP® had helped him in the past?
- What is the value that PMI certifications such as PMP®, PgMP® and PfMP® hold in the professional space in Africa, especially in Nigeria?
- How his certifications benefit his work in the Government sector?
- How his certifications have benefitted his work in Transportation domain?
- Other challenges in Industry
- His advice to PgMP® and PfMP® aspirants
Aspirants can learn from Yemi’s experience and insights to not only sharpen their certification preparations but also to fine-tune their career plans. I will also share my tips to prepare and pass the PgMP® exam in your first attempt. You can watch this free webinar at your comfort and gain 1 PDU as an added benefit.
You can join this webinar by registering using the below Link,
Webinar Link :
Because of the hardships that the companies and professionals are going through currently, I have decided to offer multiple discounts and flexible payment options to these programs. Stated offers will be decided on a case by case basis and to know your eligibility, reach out to me in a personal message or kindly mail to [email protected]. Please share this information with your friends who would find it useful.
- 3 Days Virtual Program (Standard 9 AM – 5 PM) with a couple of breaks in between
- 5 Days Virtual Program (5*4 hours/session) Half a Day programs
- 4 Weeks – 12 Weeks Weekend only Virtual Program (1 – 4 hours per day, either Saturday or Sunday or Both)

Virtual Bootcamps
Following are the program links,
PgMP®, 4-8 April 2020 –
PfMP®, 16-20 April 2020 –
PgMP®, 20 – 22 April 2020 –
PgMP®, 1-3 May 2020 –
PfMP®, 8-10 May 2020 –
PgMP®, 10-14 May 2020 –
Prince2® starting from March 29, 2020 (10 Weeks Weekend Program) –
PMP® starting from March 29, 2020 (12 Weeks Weekend Program) –
View all our Online Self E-Learning Programs:
You can supplement your PgMP® exam preparation using our PgMP4U mobile app.

If Newton can create wonders working from home, then you can too,
PgMP4U LinkedIn Group:
PfMP4U LinkedIn Group:
Subscribe and follow my Podcasts on
For any questions related to Project Management training and certifications, you can book an obligation free 15 minutes session with me by visiting
For the latest PgMP® stats, visit
“Working together for success.”
by DharamCW | Dec 30, 2019 | How many PgMP | How many PfMP
PfMP® is moving at a great pace. The milestone of 1000 is getting closer, and we are eventually about to witness the 1000th PfMP® in the mid of 2020. Between 17 Nov 2019 and 22 Dec 2019, a total of 18 PfMP®s has passed the exam.

Welcoming 18 New PfMP®s
Among those 18, vCare Project Management is proud to have supported two PfMP®s to become certified. Thanks to Anirikshith K Chinnaswamy and Tim Miller for trusting our guidance.

Our PfMP® Success Stories

Our PfMP® Success Stories
PfMP® is a globally recognized certification awarded to professionals who prove themselves capable of managing complex situations in a portfolio of an organization. PfMP® allows you to promote yourself in your organization. PfMP® is an industry neutral certification establishes your capability to manage a portfolio of projects and makes you a target for the most lucrative top-level jobs in any industry.
vCare Project Management is the most trusted training provider with a 100% success rate in PfMP® certification. It helps you to gain the skills and knowledge required to pass your PfMP® certification in the first attempt with an above-target score.
PfMP® stats

Global PfMP® Stats

PfMP® Stats in Europe
- The USA has been strengthened with eight new PfMP®s and maintains its top position.

Top 3 PfMP® Countries
- Canada and India have produced 1 PfMP® each and stay in their 2nd and 3rd position, respectively.
- Saudi has a total of 56 PfMP®s where 8 PfMP®s have been benefitted from our guidance which is 14% of the total global PfMP®s in Saudi Arabia.

Gulf Countries PfMP® Stats
- Australia is in the 6th position with 25 PfMP®s. Out of the 25 PfMP®s, vCare Project Management has supported the success of 12 PfMP®s which is 48% of the total PfMP®s from Australia.

PfMP® Stats in Australia
2019 has been an excellent year for PfMP®s in comparison with the yesteryears. In 2019 itself (As on 22 Dec 2019), a total of 186 professionals have achieved this prestigious certification. That’s a very encouraging number for any PfMP® aspirant.

PfMP® Growth Chart
Global PfMP®s count has now reached 832. We are likely to witness the 1000th PfMP® in the mid of 2020. Happy that we’ve contributed to the success of 34 PfMP®s globally and expecting to see more in the coming months.
We have announced 4 PfMP® programs to kick start the new year.

Training Calendar
This will be an excellent opportunity to present yourself as one among the prestigious 1000 PfMP®s. To know more about these programs, you can visit
For more queries and clarifications, you can book an obligation free 15 minutes session by clicking
You can visit our YouTube Channel for all past and future webinar recordings of PgMP® and PfMP® success stories. Every month, we are adding 2-3 sessions. If you subscribe, you can get the notification for every new session.
You can also join our PfMP4U Whatsapp group. It is an active group where discussions on PfMP® exam preparation are brought to light daily.
You can also reach me for any guidance at +1 650 283 0123
Check Out our Online Mentoring Programs,
Program Management PgMP®- Online Mentoring Programs – Click Here
Portfolio Management PfMP®- Online Mentoring Programs – Click Here
Project Management PMP®- Online Mentoring Programs – Click Here
Working together for Success…
by DharamCW | Nov 28, 2019 | How many PgMP | How many PfMP
It is my pleasure to welcome all the 30 new PfMP®s added between 18th September 2019 and 17th November 2019. I am proud that I’ve contributed to the success of two professionals among those thirty. Thanks to Vinod Surapaneni and Khaled Sameeh Al Hassoun for trusting my guidance on their PfMP® journey.
Special congrats for Vinod Surapaneni as he is the 800th PfMP® globally. He attended both my PgMP® and PfMP® mentoring programs. I am glad he has achieved both in record time.

Our PfMP® Success Stories

Our PfMP® Success Stories
PfMP® Stats
PMI introduced the PfMP® certification in 2013. Through PfMP®, they have certified professionals as having requisite knowledge and skills to lead a portfolio in an organization. There are globally 814 certified PfMP®s (as on 17th November 2019) who are certified capable of handling a portfolio of programs and projects.

Global PfMP® Stats
The PfMP® credential recognizes exceptional experience, skill and performance necessary to manage and align a portfolio of projects and programs to realize organizational strategy and objectives.
PfMP® credential holders oversee the success of one or more programs. They also balance conflicting demands between programs and projects, including the allocation of resources based on organizational priorities and capacity.
PfMP® certification is PMI’s most elite qualification offered for Portfolio managers. Employers are demanding portfolio managers to support the strategic objectives of the organization. PfMP® credential holders will gain a distinct advantage in employment and promotional opportunities over their peers.
Some Interesting Facts
- Cameroon is the 69th country with a PfMP®. Marc-Yvan PANDJA FALEU became the first person from Cameroon with both PgMP® and PfMP® credentials. Marc undertook my mentor program for PgMP®. Congrats Marc on your PfMP® achievement.

Welcome Cameroon to the PfMP® world

African Continent PfMP®s
- USA is maintaining its first position with 303 PfMP®s. Canada and India are on the 2nd and 3rd position with 68 and 62 PfMP®s respectively.

Top 3 PfMP® Countries
- PfMP® numbers for China are growing very fast. It has added four new PfMP®s between 18th September 2019 and 17th November 2019

PfMP®s Stats in Europe

Gulf Countries PfMP® Stats
- The overall PfMP® count has crossed 800, and it is marching towards the milestone of 1000. I am eager to see the 1000th PfMP® by the mid of 2020.

PfMP® Growth Chart
Let’s talk and find out how I can make your PfMP® journey smooth and easy. Please book your obligation free 15 mins session by visiting
You can visit our YouTube Channel for all past and future webinar recordings of PgMP® and PfMP® success stories. Every month, we are adding 2-3 sessions. If you subscribe, you can get the notification for every new session.
Join PfMP4U Whatsapp group for free and enjoy the daily discussions on PfMP® exam preparation. If you are interested in this group, please download WhatsApp and send me a message.
Please feel free to call me for any support and guidance at +1 650 283 0123
Check Out our Online Mentoring Programs,
Program Management PgMP®- Online Mentoring Programs – Click Here
Portfolio Management PfMP®- Online Mentoring Programs – Click Here
Project Management PMP®- Online Mentoring Programs – Click Here
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