Mastering the Next Phase: Navigating the Revamped PgMP Exam and Standards

Mastering the Next Phase: Navigating the Revamped PgMP Exam and Standards

Mastering the Next Phase: Navigating the Revamped PgMP Exam and Standards

Dive deep into the PMI’s latest enhancements to the Program Management Professional (PgMP)® credentials, tailored for senior project, program, and portfolio management professionals.

Registration Link:

Session Date : 26th March 2024

Session Time : 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM (PDT) / 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM (MDT) / 12:30 PM – 01:30 PM (CDT) / 01:30 PM – 02:30 PM (EDT) / 02:30 PM – 03:30 PM (BRT) / 05:30 PM – 06:30 PM (GMT) / 06:30 PM – 07:30 PM (CET) / 07:30 PM – 08:30 PM (SAST) / 08:30 PM – 09:30 PM (AST) / 09:30 PM – 10:30 PM (GST)

Webinar Agenda
– Simplified Application Insights: Grasp the updated application’s simplicity, from reduced experience summaries to a wider panel expediting reviews.
– Revised Standard for Program Management: Unpack the 5th Edition’s eight principles, spotlighting Stakeholders and Governance to elevate global program practices.
– Aligned Exam Content: Decode the subtle yet vital changes in the exam outline mirroring the new standard’s language.
– Exclusive PMI Membership Perks: Uncover the benefits, including complimentary access to crucial PMI standards, bolstering your certification pursuits.
– Industry Expertise & Dialogue: During our expert insights, benefit from the wisdom of a seasoned PgMP trainer. Clarify your doubts in our extensive Q&A segment.
– Preparation Roadmap: Walk away confidently with a strategic action plan, essential resources, and community backing to conquer the new PgMP exam.

🚀 Elevate Your Project Management Career:
– Book an obligation-free consultation session on Project management Career, training, and certifications:
– Discover training offers and certification discounts:
– Stay updated with our Q&A series and certification success stories by subscribing to the vCare Project Management YouTube channel at
– Follow my podcasts and interviews with Project Management Experts on YouTube at

Celebrating my successful mentoring of PgMP’s across 40+ countries & PgMP stats as on March 2020

Celebrating my successful mentoring of PgMP’s across 40+ countries & PgMP stats as on March 2020

PgMP® Certification

The PgMP® certification is uplifting professionals to experience new verticals with their career opportunities. This elite professional certification is crossing borders and reaching new heights. The importance of pursuing PgMP® is now widely evident from the increasing rate of adoption.

As on March 1, 2020, the global PgMP® count has reached 3176. In that, vCare Project Management has contributed to the success of 273 PgMP®s across forty countries. This number is 9% of the total global PgMP®s.

Global PgMP® Stats

Global PgMP® Stats

February 2020 has produced 19 new professionals to the PgMP® community and amongst that vCare Project Management has contributed to the success of 4 of them. This count constitutes 21% of the total PgMP®s of February 2020. Kudos and best wishes to all the 19 new PgMP®s.

Welcoming 19 New PgMP®s

Welcoming 19 New PgMP®s

PgMP® Fact File

  • The USA is on the top of the list with 1257 PgMP®s. Five new PgMP®s were added in February 2020. The USA continues to maintain its leadership in PgMP professionals with 40% of the total global PgMP®s
  • India, Canada, and UAE have each added three new PgMP®s to their count (India – 353, Canada – 219 and UAE – 81)
PgMP® stats

PgMP® stats latest trends

  • Australia is just 9 PgMP®s away from reaching 100. My upcoming scheduled PgMP® boot camps in June 2020 at Melbourne and Sydney should facilitate those aspiring professionals who wish to make it to the list within the top 100 PgMP® professionals in the Country.
  • By supporting Edward Githure from Kenya on his PgMP® journey, I have now successfully mentored PgMP® professionals across 40 different countries with my direct classroom programs or my online mentoring programs. Special thanks to Edward for helping me achieve this feat.
vCare Project Management PgMP® Stats

vCare Project Management PgMP® Stats

Our PgMP® Success Stories | February 2020

Our PgMP® Success Stories | February 2020

My first direct PgMP® and PfMP® boot camps in Saudi Arabia were highly successful. This success and also based on multiple requests from aspirants in Saudi has made me schedule new direct training programs in Riyadh ( & and Al- Khobar ( for March 2020. Hoping to see more successful PgMP®s and PfMP®s from Saudi Arabia by the end of 2020 that have been aided by vCare’s guidance.

I firmly believe that “Knowledge shared is Knowledge squared” and this case applies to the increasing propagation of PgMP® certification. Many Local Chapters, Partners and Project Management Experts are collaborating with me for conducting PgMP® boot camps across different parts of the world.

With a focus on my upcoming programs scheduled to happen at Germany and Italy, the expert individuals supporting these programs have also taken time to discuss on different topics surrounding project, program and portfolio management through podcasts. These discussions will significantly benefit the community as a whole in which critical insights on various titles are delivered. Please find below my latest interaction with Thomas Walenta on “Top 10 tips to become a Pro Program Manager”

Heartfelt thanks to Thomas Walenta and Vincenzo Arnone for their time and contribution. You can gain access to these discussions and many more scheduled to happen in the coming days by subscribing to my YouTube channel by visiting Apart from gaining knowledge, one can also post their queries in the comments section below with the hashtag #AskDharam. Selective questions will be clarified on the following videos whenever we find the time.

Early applicants for the upcoming PgMP® boot camps can avail special benefits and group discounts. Please share this information with your friends who would find it useful.

PgMP® Training Calendar, 2020

PgMP® Training Calendar, 2020

For more information on our upcoming direct PgMP® programs, visit

For people who are unable to join any of our direct classroom programs due to distance, safety or schedule concerns, kindly check out our online mentoring program options. Both Group Mentoring and Fast Track Personal Mentoring programs for PgMP® and PfMP® exam preparation are available

Program Management PgMP®- Online Mentoring Programs

Portfolio Management PfMP®- Online Mentoring Programs

PgMP4U is an online mobile application that helps one to prepare for the PgMP® exam ‘On The Go’. The app gives the essential support required for cracking the PgMP® exam.

Prepare for the PgMP® exam | 'On The Go'

Prepare for the PgMP® exam | ‘On The Go’

Our telegram group will assist aspirants in preparing for the PgMP® exam. It is a very active group with vibrant discussions happening daily. Individuals can get inspired more through the analysis and brainstorming happening in the group. If interested, kindly message me to add you in the group.

For any questions related to Project Management training and certifications, you can book an obligation free 15 minutes session with me by visiting

PgMP4U LinkedIn Group:

PfMP4U LinkedIn Group:

Email: [email protected]

 “Working together for SUCCESS.”

Latest PgMP Stats 2020 – Welcome Jamaica

Latest PgMP Stats 2020 – Welcome Jamaica

The growth of PgMP® Professionals around the globe is evident from the fact that the certification opens doors to various career aspirations. PgMP® is a sign of superior experience and skill, giving one a distinctive advantage when compared with peers. The benefits of pursuing a PgMP® are innumerable that the stats in itself are high proof.

Global PgMP® Stats

Global PgMP® Stats

The total number of PgMP®s as on February 1, 2020, is 3158, amongst which vCare Project Management has produced 269 PgMP®s, i.e. 9% of the total global PgMP®s. The month of January 2020 has contributed 26 PgMP®s to the Program Management Community. The number of PgMP®s from vCare Project Management in January 2020 is 5, which is 19% of the total PgMP®s. Congratulations to the 26 new PgMP®s.

Our PgMP® Success Stories | January 2020

Our PgMP® Success Stories | January 2020


Welcoming 26 new PgMP®s

Welcoming 26 new PgMP®s


Welcoming 26 new PgMP®s

Welcoming 26 new PgMP®s

PgMP® Stats

  • The USA is leading the PgMP® club with 1253 PgMP®s which is 40% of the global PgMP®s
  • With a total number of 380, China is following the USA by adding 25 new PgMP®s to its count since Dec 1, 2019.
  • India is in third place with 350 PgMP®s

    PgMP® Stats

    PgMP® Stats

  • Australia PgMP® numbers have reached 90 (10 more needed to make century, probably if you can pass your PgMP® exam within the next 3 months, you will be in the Top 100 Australian PgMP®s)
  • Jamaica has entered the world of PgMP®.

My PgMP® mentoring journey with Australia has always been a great one. Our collaboration with PMI Sydney Chapter, PMI Melbourne Chapter, PMI Adelaide Chapter, and PMI Queensland Chapter had been a fruitful one to many PMI certification aspirants. vCare has supported 32 PgMP®s (as on February 1, 2020) from Australia thus far, which is 36% of the total Australian PgMP®s. As stated in my previous PgMP® article, I expect Australian PgMP® numbers to touch 100 before May 2020. The month of March 2020 is going to be of great benefit to the PgMP® aspirants in Australia. The PgMP® Boot Camps in Sydney and Melbourne will help Senior Project and Program Managers to pursue their certification aspirations with my personal mentoring. Check out the video to know more information about it.

Please find below My PgMP® Training Calendar for the first half of 2020. After my successful bootcamps in Saudi Arabia, I have scheduled programs in Singapore, Sydney, Melbourne, Seattle, Houston, New York, Washington DC, Chicago and Toronto before visiting Europe in Mid 2020.

PgMP® Training Calendar

PgMP® Training Calendar

Besides Germany and Italy, my contribution to the success of PgMP® professionals in Europe is extending to Greece too. Theofanis Giotis, First President and Co-Founder of PMI Greece Chapter and CEO of ’12 PM Consulting’, is supporting me for conducting the PgMP® Boot Camp between May 15 and 17, 2020 at Athens.

I strongly hope that these boot camps will benefit you in many ways and make your 2020 more productive. Apply early to avail higher discounts and group benefits. Also, kindly share this information with your friends who would find it useful.

For more information, visit

Check Out our Online Mentoring Programs,

Program Management PgMP®- Online Mentoring Programs – Click Here

Portfolio Management PfMP®- Online Mentoring Programs – Click Here

Project Management PMP®- Online Mentoring Programs – Click Here

PgMP4U is an online education mobile application built for applicants who are time-constrained to prepare for their exams. The app enlightens you with all essential practices required for attending the PgMP® exam. The app helps one to prepare for the exam, ON THE GO.



You can subscribe to my personal YouTube Channel using the link Here you will find videos of success stories, Q&A sessions and interactions with project-program-portfolio management experts. Please find my latest interaction with Thomas Walenta where we discuss the Transition of a professional from being a Project Manager to become a Program Manager. Also we have discussed about examples of some outstanding programs.

You can clear your doubts with me by typing your queries along with #AskDharam in the video comment section. Selective questions will be clarified in later videos whenever I have time. Subscribe to the channel and get notified on new videos.

Our telegram group can assist you further in your PgMP® exam preparation. It is a very active and interactive group with discussions taking place between aspirants on a day-to-day basis. If you are interested in this group, download and install the Telegram application and message me to add you in the telegram group.

For any questions related to Project Management training and certifications, you can book an obligation free 15 minutes session by visiting

Email: [email protected]

 “Working together for SUCCESS.”


PgMP® Outlook – 2020

PgMP® Outlook – 2020

The field of Project, Program and Portfolio Management are reaching new heights, and so are the certifications associated with them. PgMP® and PfMP® numbers are increasing rapidly to meet the certified professional’s requirement worldwide. I am happy to inform you that the PgMP® count (As on January 1, 2020) has reached 3105 globally, amongst which 264 PgMP®s were supported by vCare Project Management to savour success. It is 9% of the global PgMP® count.

Welcoming 33 New PgMP®s

Welcoming 33 New PgMP®s


Welcoming 33 New PgMP®s

Welcoming 33 New PgMP®s

359 new PgMP®s were added to the global PgMP® count in 2019. 33 PgMP®s were added in December 2019, amongst which 6 PgMP®s were from vCare. It is 18% of the total PgMP®. Kudos to the 33 new PgMP®s.

Our PgMP® Success Stories

Our PgMP® Success Stories


PgMP® Growth Chart

PgMP® Growth Chart


vCare Project Management Growth Chart - PgMP®

vCare Project Management Growth Chart – PgMP®

PgMP® Stats

  • Saudi Arabia is getting closer to the PgMP® count of 125.
  • Australia might record a century PgMP®s by May 2020.
PgMP® Stats Latest Trends

PgMP® Stats Latest Trends

  • Singapore has crossed the PgMP® count of 50.
  • We welcome Azerbaijan and Gambia to the PgMP® World.

The PgMP® journey of vCare in 2019 was exciting, yet we could contribute to the success of only 49 PgMP®s from the 359 PgMP®s. It is 14% of the global PgMP®. This number is not only less than the determined milestone of 100 but also less than our PgMP® numbers in 2017 and 2018. (54 and 72 respectively). Therefore, our vision for 2020 is to reach 100.

PgMP® Stats

PgMP® Stats

Our collaboration with PMI San Francisco Bay Area Chapter and Nashville Chapter at the beginning of 2019 was an enormous success. We have now spread our wings to address different regions of USA, Australia, Germany, Italy, Canada, Singapore, UAE, Greece, Belgium, Saudi Arabia and Qatar in the first half of 2020. The passion for teaching and the enthusiasm to serve the project-program-portfolio management community helped us to collaborate with multiple partners.

 PgMP® Training Calendar, 2020

PgMP® Training Calendar, 2020

We are collaborating with the PMI Puget Sound (Seattle) Chapter for the Seattle Program. First of our planned training programs is the PgMP® boot camp that occurs on February 21-23, 2020. Ronald Tschech, VP of Education, PMI Puget Sound Chapter is the event organizer and Bala Dodoye-Alali, Lead Director of Professional Development, PMI Puget Sound Chapter, will be the event lead.

PgMP® Bootcamp | Seattle

PgMP® Bootcamp | Seattle

Early-bird registration for the Seattle program closes on January 15, 2020, and final registration closes on February 18, 2020. To know more about the Seattle Program, visit: (Chapter Link, Geo-restricted) or

Thomas Walenta from Germany is supporting us for the Frankfurt Program. Thomas Walenta works on projects and programs from 1974 and selected Project Management as his sole career profession in 1988. A former board member of PMI he undertook the PgMP® certification post retirement. Kindly Check out our interaction in the below video where we discuss the importance and impact of PgMP® in an individual’s career.

To know more about the Frankfurt Program, visit

My proud PgMP® pupil Vincenzo Arnone, EAPMCM (European Academy for Project Management and Change Management) is supporting us for the Rome Program. He completed his PgMP® in 2018 and now wants to support the aspirations of his network in Italy along with vCare Project Management.

To know more about the Rome Program, visit

Super Early Bird and the Early Bird offer for the European Programs end on January 31 2020 and February 29 2020 respectively.

We are collaborating with the Engineering Science Institute (ESI), Saudi Arabia for the Riyadh and Jeddah Programs. A PMI R.E.P based out of Riyadh, ESI is a pioneer training institute who focus on providing engineers sector of public and corporates with continuous education related to engineering sciences and project management in the form of class and project site practical training.

To know more about the Saudi Programs, visit:

PgMP® – Riyadh  4 – 6 February 2020 (

PgMP® – Jeddah  10 – 12 February 2020 (

PfMP® – Riyadh  7 – 9 February 2020 (

Feel free to share this information with your friends and other people who can benefit from this PgMP® boot camp program.

For more information on our programs, visit

Check Out our Online Mentoring Programs,

Program Management PgMP®- Online Mentoring Programs – Click Here

Portfolio Management PfMP®- Online Mentoring Programs – Click Here

Project Management PMP®- Online Mentoring Programs – Click Here

PgMP4U is an online education mobile application built for applicants who are time-constrained to prepare for their exams. The app enlightens you with all essential practices required for attending the PgMP® exam.



The PgMP® and PfMP® webinars and success stories in our YouTube channel can provide the much-required insights for your certification journey. Every month I will be adding 2 – 3 recordings, and on subscription, you will get notifications.

Our YouTube Channel Link:

Our telegram group can assist you further in your PgMP® exam preparation. It is a very active group with discussions taking place between aspirants on a day-to-day basis. If you are interested in this group, download and install the Telegram application and message me your number to add you in the telegram group.

If you have any questions related to Project Management training and certifications, please book your 15 minutes free obligation session by visiting

You can also call or message me at +1 6502830123

Email: [email protected]

“Working together for SUCCESS.”


PgMP® Lessons Learned by Guru – How To Prepare and Pass your PgMP® Exam?

PgMP® Lessons Learned by Guru – How To Prepare and Pass your PgMP® Exam?

Heartiest Congratulations to Gurusubramanian Swaminathan for passing his PgMP® exam on November 13, 2019. Guru is a PMP® and now is a PgMP®. He works as a Senior Project Manager at Seven Consulting, Sydney, Australia. Guru was committed, focused, and motivated enough to spend time for PgMP® exam preparation amidst his busy schedule. His dedication and focused approach helped him to pass his exam with flying colors.

Congratulations to Gurusubramanian Swaminathan

Our PgMP® Success Story

With immense pleasure, Guru has agreed to share his success story with us. I invite everyone to attend this free webinar on November 22, 2019. In this webinar

  • He will share his lessons learned and talk about his exam preparation strategy
  • What books did he refer?
  • How much time did he allocate for his exam preparation?
  • How he controlled his exam?
  • Do’s and Don’ts in PgMP® exam preparation
Webinar Topics

Webinar Topics

I will also share my tips to prepare and pass the PgMP® exam in your first attempt. You can watch this free webinar at your comfort and gain 1 PDU as an added benefit.

You can join this webinar by clicking here.

Webinar Link :

Webinar Time Zone

Webinar Time Zone

What Guru has to share about me?

Based on the LinkedIn recommendation,



Why PgMP®?

For the certified program manager professional (PgMP®), the certification opens various opportunities for climbing up the professional ladder. Along with the experience you already possess, the credibility of PMI will come in very handy. As a program manager, your leadership will be instrumental in obtaining myriad benefits for your organization. You are managing multiple, related projects in a coordinated way, achieving advantages that will not occur if the projects were handled separately. As such a crucial team leader, the qualifications you have acquired must reflect the benefits you can bring to any team.

What is PgMP®

What is PgMP®

As a certified program manager, you demonstrate your ability to lead, manage, and direct programs. One of the primary goals of the certification is to display the certified program managers within your high-performing organization, as well as in the international program and project management community. It ensures you have an elite reputation to stand out from the crowd.



If you have any questions or clarifications, you can book a 15 minutes obligation free session with me at

Our Upcoming PgMP® Direct Programs Click here to know more.

Check Out our Online Mentoring Programs,

Program Management PgMP®- Online Mentoring Programs – Click Here

Portfolio Management PfMP®- Online Mentoring Programs – Click Here

Project Management PMP®- Online Mentoring Programs – Click Here

Please feel free to call me for any support and guidance.

Dharam (+1 650 283 0123)

Working together for Success…